Dear Mishka
Internet service here drives me bonkers on campus. My phone just doesn't want to recognize it even
when the person next to me is happily texting away while humming a happy tune. Persnickety punishment for dropping
it twice in the river. But the laptop SHOULD work. I think even Matthew is
ready to put it through the wall. Computers hate me. I think it's
personal, I must have chewed on unplugged wires as a kid or something. I expect
to wake up in the night to find a collection of lost phone chargers
wrapped about my throat and an icon giving me an evil smiley face as
I slowly fade away into the nothingness of human death from which
there is no re-boot. Well there are zombies but I don't think they
count. And they don't use computers. They only attack other
humans,,, wait a minutes..... CONSPIRACY!!!! CONSPIRACY!!! AI IS
HERE!!! I KNEW IT.... Well that's done it, I am never sleeping
again and I will never watch Terminator the same way again. Dr. Who come save us!!
I've discovered a new addiction, it's
too strong to resist... it pulls me everyday until i give in. I
never thought I'd have a greater weakness than a McDonald's french fry
but... oh forgive me, it''s.... Monster Energy Drinks.
Grape..... can you ever forgive me? I was weak, I still am. And
it's affected my brain.
Twice today I have walked down the
beach to see Matt at work (a 1.3 mile walk each way) and needed an umbrella. It's
hurricane season, ergo, lots of rain. And the season has only just
begun. Glad I bought snorkeling equipment. Two walks, two missing
umbrellas, and I am here on campus for the third time looking out
at the rain and guess what? Yup, 4 of them hanging off the door
knob next to the front door back at the apartment. All accounted for, dry and happy in
their home. Dammit. I have one more walk in order to get home. I intend to carry one
of the damn things every day and wear my swimsuit.
In an amusing coincidence, I am dog
sitting for two weeks. The happiest dog named Shadow that you will ever meet. He LITERALLY bounces up and down when he sees you. A very LARGE dog, a cross between a happy
black lab and a smart border collie. He is a therapy dog and really
REALLY well trained (better than most of the 3 year-olds I've ever met).
The only white spotted bit from the border collie is the single front house
slipper... cute as the devil, the rest is long black fur and a super
fluffy tail.The owner's been teaching him to swim so I took him into the
sea on Sunday and we went swimming, then hosed him off at home as
best I could. Yesterday we went wading (he wasn't swimming again as
far as he was concerned) and the sad eyed fellow got hosed off
again. Today I was walking the happy and dry fellow when the rains
broke. One very wet Shadow gave me an accusing look yet pitiful at
the same time, I felt so guilty but nothing I could do. Lets hope he
gets to stay dry this afternoon because we're walking again. Gotta
pick up Uncle Matt! Shadow's tough to wear out. When Shadow is awake
and happy he dances. Bounces up and down on his front feet so happy
to see you that he can't hold still. Shadow dancing takes on a whole
new meaning. But this dog has been dry for probably a grand total of
45 minutes in the last 3 days. With all the sand and salt I'd better
figure out how to wash this patient chap. Think I should go with a
sponge bath or a nice scalp massage and hot oil treatment? Garden
hose on high or the worlds biggest hair clog in the shower?
Such an interesting world here.......
The Blonde
p.s. While walking Shadow again today the rain started. I pulled out my favorite giant pink daisy umbrella, popped it open, shortened the leash and held it over the dog. I think I made a lot of people smile but given a choice which one of hits the couch while wet.... I'll play valet to Shadow and hold the umbrella over the dog.
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