Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5/27/2014 Dear Mishka, jellies, squids and octopus

Dear Mishka,

this is one of my harder blogs to type, not content but the hands shake terrible these days.  Makes me want to scream sometimes.  Luckily it does not interfere with putting on a dive mask and flippers.

Now first I should say, these next few will be scattered as I have been lazy and only taking notes on what would be a good blog.

Matthew and I ventured farther out on our own than we did before.  I think I got nervous before he did.  But seeing the fish was lovely.  I dove for a sand dollar but it was so fragile it crumbled in my hands.  Somment on the eceonomy?  Nah, just beautiful diving with my husband.

And I received my second jelly fish sting. ignore the myth of vinegar (BAD!!!) just use a credit card to scrape  what's not  secured and if you are not having a severe reaction, benadryl and calamine.  I got this from the clinic which is located on campus, you know, right off the ocean.. they are kind of used to it. Sound like poison ivy anyone?  Just feels like a bee sting.

There is a faculty outing at Mero Beach this Saturday.  I Look forward to attending with Matthew.  it's a nice way to spend time together under the sun.  Even Matthew has a flight tan and I'm really going for it.  Positively changing colors like an octopus.

Speaking of, I had the chance to go to champagne again, but this time explored in the in the othe directioin.  we wandered a school of small squid, thousands and thousands travelling in a huge sinuous ribbon the moved about. One minute you were beside it watching, the next you were engulfed trying not to freak OUT,

A cry of "octopus" went out but only I heard. so bulleted over (as such as a human in snorkle and rubber flippers can bullet)  He was an amazing so perfectly camouflaged by the roccks while undulating looking for a snack,  I love the creatures and watched as his colors changed, but not like a chameleon, slow and subtle, but instead in the flash of a blink, you could miss it.

What wonders we way that day.  And new frienndsfor the day as well.

Now for a caveat..... barracuda are attracted to sparkly things.  My bikini has a skull and cross bones on the left breast outlined in rhinestones, whoops.   I LIKE this suit Instant mastectomy? We know I gonna need one in the next ten years anyway. Chomp!

Ah well, that's all for now.
Love, The Blonde

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