Monday, July 7, 2014

6/25/14 Dear Mishka the latest faculty outing

Dear Mishka

So the time has come for more treats and fascinating (hopefully) tid bits of life here.  Our trip to Crescent Moon Eco Resort  My goodness what a trip.  I've mentioned the roads before.... well I was just coming off a 2 day migraine.  You would think I would be smart and stay home... you would think I would avoid twisty turny bouncy things.... you would THINK that, unless you knew me.  Yep, I called shotgun as we boarded and off we went...

Oh. My. God.

This trip.  We turned off the main road onto a much smaller road that was made of pot holes, broken concrete, and more pot holes.. big ones.  They came in groups like teenage girls roaming the mall.  Every 8-10 feet.  No, really.  Our driver managed to maneuver the bus around as best he could.  Then we hit it, off-roading in a bus.  Going uphill.  A steep hill.  When we found concrete I could have wept with joy,.... for the whole 5 minutes it lasted.  Then we spotted a bike path, and turned onto it.  Huh????  Yep... around and up still, occasionally slipping in mud but moving.  Potholes? This road WAS a pot hole... with it's kin in tow.  Turning off THAT... oh goody!  Finally we are driving on... is this a goat path?  I think so but everyone else appears to know where we're going and no one is screaming or in prayer.  I sit still as the road drops off only feet from the bus to plunge down cliff sides and grasses threaten to come in my window.  Some of them make it.We finally come out to some clear areas.. they are clear because there are no cliff walls surrounding us.  We have arrived at the TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!!!  Remember that migraine?  It was tickling the back of my skull but this amazing view made it all worthwhile.

Here lies our lodge.  It is a small organic farm with 5-6 cottages scattered about.  Meals are like the fine dining back home and there is a hammock slung in the library for relaxing.  Wow!  They also roast their own coffee there... we got to see how and then enjoyed steaming cups with our lunch.  They make and sell essential oils, chocolate bars, and home made soap.  All in all the day was lovely.

I decided to clock our trip back down the mountain.  Just for curiosities sake.

2:55 we turtle back down the goat path oh so carefully.  
3:06 we spot some remnants of concrete 
3:08 it smooths out, mostly.  
60 seconds later, a smidgen of heaven.  A town called Pont Heritage has a nicely paved road through it's center, including yellow lines and even a round about (why the roundabout none of us could figure... perhaps the construction crew was bored).  We all enjoy the respite from our bouncing.  We know what's coming...

3:16 the road that tried to eat the bus the bus.
I get smart (finally) and go into the chemical cocktail rhumba and take about 3 different things.  Headache, pain, and nausea.  Because I got it all going on.  But because of this I survive!  Cue Gloria Gaynor song.

This rotten road sneakily starts out smooth enough but slowly oh so slowly deteriorates.  That pitted and axle sacrificing dirt disaster I hesitate to call a road rears it's head like the winner of an ugly dog contest

3:44 the pavement has disappeared completely and the agony begins.  Crawling along at a pace so slow the speedometer can't register it.  Any stretch of smooth path over 10 yards is like an expressway gleaming in the night!  Fallen trees can't stop us!  Rockslides we roll right by!!  Gang way nature!  A bus of older women and their driver is coming through... come hell or high water.....  Because if we get stuck out here we're screwed.  I have yet to see a tow truck on this island.

The chain of pits and pot holes stretches on before us for an eternity.  The ghosts of children fallen in, ne'er to be seen again haunt the road sides.  I am sitting in my seat horseback style with my back far away from the seat back.  Taking the worst in my lower body while trying to keep my head still.  God bless mom for teaching me to ride.

3:49  Freedom!  The Highway!!  Was it really that short a time?  It feels like it took hours and my back agrees.

4:40 and I am home.  All I have left to do is run back to the bus waving my arms and pantomiming holding a phone to my ear so I can get my phone back from where I so cleverly stashed it in the dash.

I finally sit outside my husbands office awaiting the (hopefully) smile on his face when he sees me.  I hope I don't look like the refugee I feel like.

And THAT is my "faculty spouses outing" Wednesday.

The Blonde