7/25/2015 Dear Mishka. How to sell a house
Dear Mishka
To sell a house in a hurricane. My husband's definition is to call a realtor, close your eyes, then stick your fingers in your ears and hum real loud until they tap you on the shoulder and say it's done. I wish. NOPE!
So, let me tell you about the wonders and the joy of selling our house in Milan.
A dear friend of ours who has regularly visited and seen the house was interested in renting with an option to buy, as was his wife and new baby. We had informed our current renters that we were coming by on the last day of July, the day they were supposed to leave . Please note that I use the words SUPPOSED TO . Upon walking across an overgrown lawn with paving stones laid on it killing the grass and a half dead garden we open the front door with great trepidation to a sign of landlord terror. Directly inside the front door only steps away was all of the furniture appear to have been crammed into the living room and the dining room. Everywhere I looked I saw art taped to the walls, tacked to the walls, pinned to the walls, holes where they had tried to remove nails and shelving screwed to the walls. I almost screamed! Now let me give you a little information. This house is 130 years old with the original plaster walls . If you put a nail in it, when you remove it the plaster disintegrates. There is an entire paragraph in the lease that says no pins nails screws tape or anything else basically touching the walls other than what already exists. Clearly this didn't mean shit . I cannot even get into the dining room to see what had been done .
In a panic to save the sale I explained to John's wife Sally that I would have everything fixed and good as new in two weeks. We then headed upstairs to see what that looks like. Jesus Mary and Joseph! Have you ever smelled a years worth of cat urine all in the same spot ? Yeah it smells just like what you think. They have let the cat use the carpets so often that it actually was molded, they say it is because the cat would not use the litter box . This cat used to be ours and we KNOW he was litter trained. In this lovely old house there are wood floors beneath the carpeting. Old wood. Wood that absorbs moisture . I proceeded to morph into a small Doberman and do a little bit of barking at this point. It came down to the renters saying basically "we don't care"
This was all before I opened up the closet door that led to the attic and discovered that the partially furnished home we rented to them had been stripped of furniture, which they then disassembled and crammed upstairs into a very tiny attic. We have a very narrow tall staircase that I have dubbed suicide stairs. I have no idea how they got this furniture up and then through the door into the attic .
While John had seen the house before and had faith in me , Sally wanted nothing to do with it at this point. Sale lost because of these two lazy inconsiderate bums camped out inside.
Now, our return tickets couldn't be changed so we had to go back to the island leaving this mess behind Once we got back we called our travel agent and told her to find the fastest flight possible to get me back. Time to put the fear of God into these two lazy bitches. We told them I was coming back but didn't tell them when. I have this reputation for being a real bitch so hopefully that helped.
Just getting down there was a real hoot. You see, the day before my flight left, tropical storm Erica arrived and did an amazing job of wiping out entire towns on this island. One village slid halfway into the ocean, all of the roads were undercut and damaged and just plain washed away, and the rinky dink excuse for an airport was completely flooded . Rumor has it a few days later they had cleared out. Ok, let's try it.
Now that the fury of the storm is over it was time to go ahead and travel
How was I supposed to even get there? Well here's how the next adventure all started . We begin by waking up at 3 a.m. so we could walk in the road in the dark at 3:30. What? you expect me to say sidewalk? Silly fool. There be no sidewalks here matey. We hoof along dragging my carry-on suitcase for approximately 1 mile with me dressed for travel. We didn't dare ask anyone to get up at that ungodly hour and drive us so there's your mental picture. The two of us, me dressed for travel hauling a rolling suitcase along the side of the road hoping to God we don't get smacked by a fast-moving car. Or mistaken for a bunch of cows in the road.
I say dressed for travel because I can't stand people that show up in their pajamas and slippers as a way of moving around an airport. For me it is always a set of heels, nice slacks or jeans and a pleasant top and jacket. Dress well for a good impression I always say. And you want customs agents and homeland security to take you seriously. It's hard to impress someone while wearing pajama pants with little duckies and pink bunny slippers.
Cases went out on a priority basis which of course meant I was last . We had to catch a bus first.
Somewhere around 4:00, everyone moving like blind mole rats, we gather so that we can be stuffed on the buses by 4:30 and trundled down into the little town of Portsmouth to await a water taxi. This is really pretty much just a sort of fishing boat with a lot of seats.
This is approximately the time I have the absolutely delightful privilege of having a vertigo attack hit me just as I can see the boat in the distance closing in on the dock. It wavers about in my eyes that cannot focus any longer. I'm dressed for slow travel wearing three inch heels and managed not to collapse to my knees completely, only partially. Luckily this was sort of the only escape route so I had not only medical students around me, also a number of mothers suck on the island while dropping off their children. These women are going through withdrawal already so they immediately took me under wing and insisted that I not go more than 3 feet away from them . Slightly annoying but very touching. Especially since I had already taken care of the vertigo attack and was just fine. Yay for Jesus, Mary and Joseph blessed pharmaceuticals.
And I am getting onto the boat no matter what condition I am in or possibly could become because there's no way I'm staying on the island after all that work. Didn't pay $1,700 for this damned airline ticket for nothing.
So finally away we go at 5:30 headed down the eastern coast to Roseau so that we could get on, wait for it, another boat! Did I mention the words motion sickness? Once again cheers for the blessed pharmaceuticals!
This watercraft is a high speed ferry to the neighbouring island of Guadalupe. I choose to sit upstairs, expecting a nice breeze, which is a mistake. It turns out that the boat is an airless box, stuffy hot and miserable. I sit in this sauna the whole way, the entire four and a half hour trip it takes to get to Guadalupe (the island is approximately 60 miles away but with an international airport which we all need).
Am I done there? God no. Once we disembark it is time for the cattle chute to get to customs, they don't seem to believe in lines, they believe in shoving people out of the way, pushing, stomping on toes, and elbowing you in the kidney in order to get ahead. and we have arrived at 1 o'clock many of us with a 3 o'clock flight. There is enough shouted complaining, mutual elbowing and shoving that the captain finally called overhead to everyone with a three o'clock flight. We are to move to the front. We make it mostly to the front where we then proceed to use our elbows to punch holes into our neighbors. Got through customs? Wonderful! Now you have to go find a taxi.
Another woman and I got the bright idea to walk all the way to the entrance to the ferry dock and snag a taxi before he could even get up to where everyone else was waiting. Ha ! Take that! Guadalupe is literally right within line of sight of Dominica so of COURSE they don't take island currency and there's no cash exchange. We all have to find somebody with the money to pay for the cab in American currency who will share the ride with us. 15 minutes more and we are off toward the airport. Things are looking okay so far. Then we discover we have another cattle chute to go through. This time to get our tickets scanned and our picture taken and an odd little ticket printed out. We go merrily along the process of this (and of course at this point the photograph is nothing less than absolutely stunning).
Then into yet another customs line, are we having fun yet kids? Things are getting a little tense at this point. Of course thanks to the remaining ghost of vertigo, my adrenalin is rushing through my veins like the Kentucky Derby, and my natural tremors (aggravated tenfold by the afore mentioned adventure) have increased into full fledged flapping. So the customs agent stops stares me in the eye and says "you're shaking a lot, is something wrong?" I can just see myself suddenly being taken away to detention for quivering like a rabbit in a gun sight. AND MISSING THE DAMNED PLANE!!!! I very quickly claim Parkinsons, my favorite lie. I am cleared for take off. I go barreling through the airport along with numerous other people where we hop onto assorted flights basking in the joy of finally winging our way into Miami....and civilization. Oh look! I traveled through another country so I have more customs to go through. I have an hour and a half to get through the Miami Airport and customs. I'm glad I don't have to check my bag because my gate is not, I repeat NOT, anywhere nearby and I'm almost out of time. They're boarding now and I'm still at the other end of the airport.
Let the real charge begin. " Ladies and gentlemen they're off ". Did I mention I had moved into flip flops? Those were my choices, flip flops or the 3 inch heels. An announcement blares overhead. They are still boarding that plane. Oh look, one of those skytrains, let's run catch it! Flip flop faster!
But to ensure the fun continues let's run the wrong way for a good stretch of concourse first. That's the ticket! Don't look at the watch, don't look at the watch, don't look at the watch, look at the watch. Freak. Up onto the sky tram. Now we are only 15 minutes late. The sky tram arrives where we leap like gazelles off of the tram. Gazelles being chased by a hungry pride of lions. Myself and one other young man who's on the same tram go barreling down the hall headed for the same plane. I'm not sure how he gets there well ahead of me..... I don't remember sitting and taking a short nap? It might be because he's 6-2 and has legs longer than God intended. I run to the gate to find an empty waiting area. The doors closed. This is not good, my eyes begin to tear up as I run up to the desk and ask "Am I too late am I too late?" The flight attendant looks at me and stares like a disapproving nun for a moment and says "Are you Pamela?" Something inside of me sinks slowly to the ground and burrows a hole, crawls in it, and begins to cover itself up to die. "Yes" I squeak. They reopen the gate and I go scampering down that jetway, flip flopping the entire way, and make it to my seat, 1A. First class. Thank you God.
I go to raise my bag into the overhead and the young man I recognize from the tram gets up to assist me. I can't help it, part of my brain simply wondered, "How the hell did you get here before me?" As we're doing so the attendant is kind enough to ask if she can get me a drink while I'm getting settled I pause for half a heartbeat and look her straight in the eye and say "a shot of Jack on the rocks" hell, after that morning I deserve it.. The young man that has been through the entire travail with me stops what he's doing, looks at her and says "that sounds like a really good idea. Me too". Well I may be stuck paying the high price of first class but by god I'm going to get all the goodies and eat and drink my way through it.
This panicked trip, bought at the last minute, cleaned out our bank account but there was no one I dared ask to take on this monumental task. I had to get there. Hell. I wanted to freaking teleport to Michigan. When we landed I honest to God put in my earphones and played the University of Michigan fight song. I almost sang along, as it was I hummed.
*** Something amusing I heard over the loudspeaker in Detroit:
"So and so airlines now boarding flight 2171 to Las Vegas" This was repeated twice at 5 minute intervals and then... "Final call for Vegas Barb and Ken McGee, last call if you want to go to Vegas, otherwise there are very nice casinos in Windsor." Totally deadpan. Or almost. ...***
Back to the house.
It took them until the middle of August to get their crap out. It took me flying back from the island emergency time to clean up, a last minute ticket costs$1,600. So I start by hiring a handyman to patch over 40 holes (I counted until I had to stop) in the assorted walls including a section where the plaster had been completely torn off and where shelving had been screwed in . I was ballistically angry and ready to take them to court for breaking their lease, including not being out by the last of July and not paying for the first two weeks of August. Matt pointed out you can't get blood from a stone since one of them had quit her job to go back to school and the other was unemployed. Don't ask me why they would do this when renting, and including not applying for unemployment in the first place, I give up on understanding how their brains don't work. On our first trip we had no choice but to simply tally what we could in the house and head back to the island because our plane tickets could not be changed from an August 1st return.
Once we got on the island Matthew called and told them that his wife was coming back soon, we did not tell them how quickly. It took me two weeks and over $1,600 in airfare to get back to Michigan. By this time they had removed their belongings but left all of mine stuffed into closets, attics and the basement. Fury is such a teeny tiny word compared to my emotions . Also, almost every person that we'd called for help never contacted us back. Someone could have at least called to say no is all. I know I'm a bitch, but these are Matthew's belongings and his home too. Only one man who had previously broken his back came along and I was concerned about him despite his protesting he was fine. And an old sewing student of mine who did yard work. I told her I would pay her $200 if she could get that yard in order including mowing it weeding the gardens trimming the bushes etc. and making it look decent before my ticket expires. I then paid her boyfriend the same amount of money to carry all of the furniture and throw it out at the curb because I have no idea how to reassemble it nor do I have a way to get it into storage by myself . There was a damn nice and brand-new wardrobe in there and I couldn't even figure out where the screws were. I was in tears watching it go. There was of course the handyman, Molly maid, (who had to come out twice because the first crew didn't really clean anything and the second crew that started out with two but calling others until the ended up consisting of six people). I had to rent a car since we sold ours when we moved out of the country and I needed to make sure it had trunk space to move the few things that I was determined to save . There was more money down the drain. I had to purchase paint, plaster and assorted other repair supplies to get this house in order. Even the porch had to be stripped and painted. I started at 7 AM every morning and ended at 9 PM every night where twice I fell asleep in my dinner plate. I cried myself to sleep numerous times .
After two weeks the house was still not finished and my tickets had come up and I now had to fly back to the island again . At least we were down to just the handyman doing the work that remains, painting the dining room and re-plastering the walls, patching walls and repainting the living room, touching up paint in the upstairs bedroom , caulking the bathtub , sanding and repainting the porch . No, of course I had no intention of saving money for the rest of my life, I always wanted to spend over $3,300 on this (die you two wenches die!).
Final word on the house, it took 8 months and repairs to water heater and electrical but that Turkey SOLD! $4,000 loss, $7,300 with repairs but who cares at this point? We are gone!
I have promised Matthew not to publish the names of these two women but believe me I would like to put them up in screaming red neon after what they did to me, my house and completely disregarded a legal document that they had signed.
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