Sunday, April 13, 2014

3/29/14 Dear Mishka. Just a an average letter

Dear Mishka

So today is finally raining. I mean real rain. Like Michigan (If Michigan had palm trees and coconuts), pretty steady and then every now and then it's really hard for a couple moments again. It will be interesting beach combing today when I walk Matthew to work will have to see what is waiting for us.

Some time later as the Disney movies would say

The morning it at last stopped raining except the occasional drizzle. But it's raining now truly hard because the palm leaves are drooping under the water but if you look across the rich green the distance between you and the sky you can see it coming down like a fine haze. I expect to be soaked by the time I meet up with Matthew. But I think walking along the beach in this will be wonderful. And of course if it gets too heavy, I'll just run to the nearest palm tree and cower like a frightened little lobster staring into a bowl of butter. But I must admit looking at the green the word verdant seems the most appropriate that comes to mind. Is it me using a 50 cent word? Or is it simply the most appropriate to describe the world that I see around me as waves are harder than I've become used to.

But somehow still the same, so gentle even with the crashing so much louder today. I wonder how high the tide will reach before retrieving Matthew from his air conditioned little cage (I should mentioned that on an island in the Caribbean air conditioning makes people envious of your cage)

Last night was the spaghetti dinner for the students (hosted by a local restaurant for all of them, the U being small enough to pull this off), there are so many volunteers they were able to set it up for everyone. Matthew's knight in shining armor kicked in and agreed to be on cleanup duty. I'm glad we did it as we met a professor of microbiology and his companion who told us we should look up at the the night sky rolling in to discover it was clear enough and we got a look for the first time at the infamous green flash at sunset. It was amazing. It didn't even last a heartbeat but it was truly green. I've heard people who say that it's fiction until they are actually standing here within sight. I've heard about it in pirate movies but I never knew that it was real, this time I got to see it for myself..

The Blonde

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