Dear Mishka,
Your idea to write my blog as letters
to you was brilliant, I'm nervous writing but love to chat with my
best friend. So, shall we start the very first “Letter to Mishka”? Names been changed wherever I remembered to.
Well, this is sit, everything we own is
either in the dumpster, storage, or on a container being shipped to
(please god the right place) Dominica... pronounced btw Dom^ in ^ ee ka^.
I haven't fallen apart yet, I've been busy making sure my husband
doesn't. He's so flipped out over this and the new job that I've
never seen him so stressed. I guess I'm saving it until later.
Cleaning the house at the end got a bit
freaky.... we simply didn't have time. We were really let down, the
weather stopped everyone from helping Judy and Samuel of course each
showed up for a day or two... you can always count on them. And Scott
of course got there. Thank god or we never would have gotten the
antique furniture into storage. We simply didnt have cleaning time
and at the end it was “just throw it in the box already!” or
throw it out. We tossed out a lot of stuff we never would have. My
entire wine collection ws left behind. and left the house so trashed
it looks like squatters have been living there. I'm abolutely
humiliated by the degree of wreckage.... it's after 9 and we still
have to go to Sarah's, sign the car over, say goodbyes, and then to
my mothers to sign my car over, snooze for about 48.5 minutes and
then off the DTW at “Holy Jesus WHAT time?” o'clock in the
morning..... and she has to be awake to drive us
I'm not scared yet, I'm suspicious my
body is saving it for a mother freaking huge collapse.
The Blonde
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